Does Intuitive Eating Really Work?
Learning how to listen to your body, cut out the noise, and find your version of wellness
Intuitive eating, while simple in theory, can take some time to master. If you are new to the concept, the whole idea is trusting your body to make food choices that feel the best for you, leaving the judgment and fear behind. It’s allowing yourself to fully enjoy that 11pm pasta and wine with friends and then waking up and having a balanced breakfast, feeling confident that you will make the best choices for your body and that you have the flexibility to enjoy life and nourish yourself all at once. In my own experience, I feel like I finally have freedom surrounding food now, and I owe that to eating intuitively and viewing food as nourishment, joy, and connection, rather than something to be so tightly controlled. When starting off on my own path to feeling better, I discovered I had