Happy Medium Wellness
Intuitive eating works… but you gotta be honest with yourself. Plus, three easy snack ideas!
Intuitive eating works… but you gotta be real with yourself.
There is this all or nothing concept of nutrition, pushed especially on social media, that is either in the camp of: you have to eat perfectly all the time, biohacking, saunas, no cheat days, no dining out, and a general sense of restriction.
Annnnnnd then there is another ideology that proclaims you should eat whatever you want, even if that’s fast food and heavily processed foods daily. I see it disguised as “intuitive eating”, which is entirely missing the point. Intuitive eating is not about just eating whatever makes you happy in the moment — because in the long run, are you going to feel your best after eating sugar, alcohol and fast food day after day?
Let’s find a happy medium.
If you’re in either one of those camps, you do you if it’s working. But what I’ve seen and experienced is that both of these extremes can lead to total burnout. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your body doesn’t deserve to be nourished by real, whole foods. Home cooked food. Food that gives you fuel and supports your body. It’s eating in a way that supports your current body and future body.
If something you’re doing isn’t working, you are going to have to give yourself a gentle push in the right direction. Start small: see which area of your nutrition and eating habits needs some attention, make 1-2 small goals, and focus on them daily.
During the holidays I was eating out so much, enjoying the festivities with family and friends. Many cookies were eaten. Hot chocolate was a daily occurrence. No regrets. Loved every minute of it. Once January came around I was like alllllright, I have to get real with myself here and cut out the processed sugar, just for a week or so to reset. So I did; because that’s what I knew I needed to get off the sugar train. And now I am back, a few weeks off eating sugar regularly, feeling like my body is able to make judgments on what I’m craving because the sugar haze is gone. And I am still able to enjoy the occasional sweet here and there and my body doesn’t feel groggy when I do so because there’s moderation there. It’s all about finding that balance.
Intuitive eating works when we learn to tune in and listen to our body.
If you’d like to learn more about how to eat with intention, find and establish healthy routines, and find your version of wellness, this is the course for you!
3 easy snack ideas
Fig with almond butter and flaky sea salt
While seemingly simple in concept, it’s tasty and satisfying if you are looking for something sweet. Rich in good fats and fiber, it satisfies the sweet tooth without having to compromise.
Avocado with olive oil and nori sheets
Fast and easy way to get those good fats in!
Carrot + cucumber sticks with miso dipping sauce
This is a good one to have premade in the fridge throughout the week. Satisfies the crunchy and salty need, while providing you with nutrient and mineral dense vibrancy.